Although it is often compared to famous zoos, Obihiro Zoo is a lot of fun.
The zoo has many ingenious features, such as polar bears jumping into a large aquarium to play, and a monkey enclosure that extends above the humans' heads.
The sight of giraffes, zebras and polar bears coexisting on a wide grassland is a rare sight.
Although it is often compared to famous zoos, Obihiro Zoo is a lot of fun.
The zoo has many ingenious features, such as polar bears jumping into a large aquarium to play, and a monkey enclosure that extends above the humans' heads.
The sight of giraffes, zebras and polar bears coexisting on a wide grassland is a rare sight.
There is also an amusement park on the premises.
After seeing the animals, you can play in the amusement park with your family or friends, lie down on the grass, or bring a packed lunch and have a picnic.
There is also an amusement park on the premises.
After seeing the animals, you can play in the amusement park with your family or friends, lie down on the grass, or bring a packed lunch and have a picnic.
■ホッキョクグマ / Polar Bear

Aira the polar bear is the idol of Obihiro Zoo.
She's so cute playing in the pool with her favorite toys!
■キリンとシマウマ / Giraffe and Zebra

The giraffes Maple and Yururi seem to be getting along well.
We hope to see a junior baby born one day.
The giraffes and zebras live next to each other, so they often hang out together.
■エゾタヌキ / Ezo raccoon dog

A cute, round raccoon.
He's spending his time relaxing in his soft bed.
■ライオン / Lion

This is Yamato the lion.
He's a cool, handsome guy.
Yamato is the child of Akira and Yuuki and lives at Kushiro City Zoo.
■アムールトラ / Amur tiger

Mao the Amur tiger.
He is very expressive and cute.
■アザラシ / Seal

They swim swiftly in the pool and you could watch them forever.
They often swim with incredibly powerful splashes.
■アメリカビーバー / American Beaver

You can see cute beavers carrying branches in their hands, and eating food with their hands.
This is exactly the image of a beaver that many people have in their minds.
■アンデスコンドル / Andean Condor

Contrary to popular belief, it is not a vulture but a condor.
(There is no animal called a vulture; it is just a common name.)
■コモンリスザル / Common squirrel monkey

Common squirrel monkeys in the monkey house.
They're always busy and excited, and so cute!
■アメリカバイソン / American Bison

Even if you know the name of the animal called bison, few people have actually seen one.
Obihiro Zoo is the only place in Hokkaido where you can find American bison.
■カンガルー / Kangaroo

There are so many kangaroos! They sleep on their sides and scratch their bottoms. Their movements are just like humans (lol).
■遊園地 / amusement park

The park has playground equipment such as a Ferris wheel. You can spend the whole day looking at the animals and playing on the playground equipment!
■インドウゾウ ナナさんの思い出 / Indian Elephant Nana's Memories

Obihiro Zoo had an Indian elephant named Nana.
She came to the zoo in 1964 (Showa 39) and was the oldest female elephant in Japan, and for many years the only elephant in Hokkaido.
(An elephant house also opened at Maruyama Zoo in March 2019.)
Nana's health began to deteriorate in January 2020, and she passed away on March 4th.
She was 59 years old, which is equivalent to over 80 years in human terms.
She was an adorable old lady who kept a close eye on the visitors, and seemed to enjoy surprising them by splashing water on them.
I also have many fond memories of her playing with me and teasing me in various ways.
We pray for her soul to rest in peace.
名称 |
おびひろ動物園 OBIHIRO zoo |
住所 |
北海道帯広市字緑ヶ丘2 2 Midorigaoka, Obihiro-shi, Hokkaido |
主な動物 |
ライオン、トラ、キリン、シマウマ、ホッキョクグマ、アザラシ、アメリカバイソン、ラマ、エゾシカ、ビーバー、アカカンガルー、アライグマ、ニホンザル、チンパンジー、マンドリル、ワシ、タカ、コンドル、フクロウ、オオハクチョウ、フラミンゴ、ペリカン、等 Lions, tigers, giraffes, zebras, polar bears, seals, American bison, llamas, Hokkaido deer, beavers, red kangaroos, raccoons, Japanese macaques, chimpanzees, mandrills, eagles, hawks, condors, owls, whooper swans, flamingos, pelicans, etc. |
HP |
※公式サイトや公式SNSを必ずご覧になって、正式な最新の営業予定をご確認ください。 [公式サイト] http://www.city.obihiro.hokkaido.jp/zoo/ [Twitter] https://twitter.com/obihirozoo |
営業 |
※営業期間中でも諸事情により臨時休園や時間短縮になる場合があります。 [夏期(1)] 2024/04/27~09/30 09:00~16:30 [夏期(2)] 2024/10/01~11/04 09:30~16:00 [冬期] 2024/12/01~2025/02/24 11:00~14:00 ※この期間の土・日・祝日のみ開園 |
料金 |
大人:420円 高校生:210円 中学生以下:無料 年間パスポート(大人):800円 |
駐車場 | 公式駐車場:無料 |
This zoo is located in Obihiro City, the heart of the Tokachi region.
It has all the animals that are popular with children, including lions, tigers, giraffes, zebras, and polar bears.