SHIBETU salmon museum北海道標津郡標津町北1条西6丁目1番1−1号
1-1-1, Kita 1-jo Nishi 6-chomeShibetsu-cho, Shibetsu-gun, Hokkaido

This museum has the largest number of salmonid fish exhibits in Japan.
Although we have many opportunities to eat them, we rarely have the chance to see them up close, making them a very rare treat.
As the name "science museum" suggests, there are plenty of exhibits that teach about the ecology of salmon.
There are also exhibits of larval and juvenile salmon, a panel corner explaining their ecology, a video room, and a lounge.
This museum has the largest number of salmonid fish exhibits in Japan.
Although we have many opportunities to eat them, we rarely have the chance to see them up close, making them a very rare treat.
As the name "science museum" suggests, there are plenty of exhibits that teach about the ecology of salmon.
There are also exhibits of larval and juvenile salmon, a panel corner explaining their ecology, a video room, and a lounge.
Be sure to try the finger-licking experience with the sturgeon.
Sturgeon don't have teeth, so it's interesting and mysterious to watch them gently bite your fingers.
The Salmon Science Museum also has an observation deck where you can enjoy beautiful views from 30 meters above ground.
Be sure to try the finger-licking experience with the sturgeon.
Sturgeon don't have teeth, so it's interesting and mysterious to watch them gently bite your fingers.
The Salmon Science Museum also has an observation deck where you can enjoy beautiful views from 30 meters above ground.
名称 |
標津サーモン科学館 SHIBETU salmon museum |
住所 |
北海道標津郡標津町北1条西6丁目1番1−1号 1-1-1, Kita 1-jo Nishi 6-chomeShibetsu-cho, Shibetsu-gun, Hokkaido |
主な動物 |
世界中のサケ科の魚類、様々なサケ科の魚の稚魚、標津川を遡上してくるサケ科の魚類 (※季節によって変わります) オショロコマ、ヤマメ、イワナ、ホッケ、イトウ、チョウザメ、等 Salmonid fish from around the world, various juvenile salmonid fish, salmonid fish that swim up the Shibetsu River (*varies depending on the season) Doll Varden trout, yamame salmon, char, Atka mackerel, huchen, sturgeon, etc. |
HP |
※公式サイトや公式SNSを必ずご覧になって、正式な最新の営業予定をご確認ください。 [公式サイト] http://s-salmon.com/ [Facebook] https://www.facebook.com/標津サーモン科学館-Shibetsu-Salmon-Museum-839398246158385/ [Twitter] https://twitter.com/shibetsu_salmon [ブログ] http://shibetsusalmon.blogspot.com/ |
営業 |
※営業期間中でも諸事情により臨時休園や時間短縮になる場合があります。 [営業時間] 02/01~11/30 09:30~17:00 (入館受付は16:30まで) [休館日] 5〜10月は無休。2,3,4,11月は水曜休館(水曜が祝祭日の場合は翌日休館)。12月〜翌年1月は冬期休館。 |
料金 |
大人:650円 小中学生:200円 年間パスポート:2,090円 |
駐車場 |
公式駐車場:無料 「標津サーモンパーク」の駐車場をご利用ください。 |
This is a rather niche aquarium, focusing mainly on fish of the salmonid family.
But for the people of Hokkaido, salmon are a very familiar fish.