

 Okhotsk Chipmunk park
 352 Yobito, Abashiri-shi, Hokkaido
There are lots of incredibly friendly chipmunks.
"Chipmunk Heaven" is a dream come true for chipmunk lovers.
入園前にはとてもとても長い注意事項の話を聞く必要があります。 内容は、ゆっくり歩くようにとか、踵を上げないようにとか、急に方向転換しないようにとか、立入禁止の場所には絶対に入らないようにとか、当たり前のようなことばかりです。しかし、ごく当たり前のような注意がこの場所ではものすごく重要なのです。最初の注意事項は真剣に聞いてくださいますようお願いします。
Before entering the park, you will need to listen to a very, very long warning. The warnings are all very obvious, such as walking slowly, not lifting your heels, not making sudden changes of direction, and never entering areas that are off-limits. However, these very obvious warnings are extremely important in this place. Please listen carefully to the first warning.
The admission fee includes a bag of food for the chipmunks, which you receive when you enter the park. However, if you want to enjoy it to the fullest, it's not enough. It disappears in a flash. Really, in a flash (lol)
You can buy food for an additional fee, so I recommend buying it together with your admission fee. You can buy more later, but it would be a shame if you ran out of food while the chipmunks were having fun interacting with each other after gathering together. If you leave the park to buy food and then re-enter the park, there is no guarantee that the chipmunks will gather again. There are several sizes of food available for an additional fee, and the larger bags are more economical.
大人しそうなシマリスちゃんを見つけたら、そーっとゆっくり近寄って、手の平にご飯を乗せて静かに差し出して待ちましょう。大丈夫だということをシマリスちゃんが分かってくれたら、手の平からご飯を食べてくれます。そのままじっとしていれば、シマリスちゃんが手の平に乗ってくれることもあります。 夢の「手乗りシマリス」が叶います。他にお客さんが少ない時には、ご飯を食べたいシマリスちゃん達が2匹、3匹、と集まってくることもあるでしょう。そうなると自分の手はもはや手ではなく「シマリス専用テーブル」と化します。
Once you enter the park, you will understand the meaning of the warning you heard at the beginning. The chipmunks run around freely in the park. You will be excited by the cuteness of the chipmunks, but you should hold yourself back and walk around the park slowly.
If you find a quiet chipmunk, approach it slowly and quietly hold out some food in your palm and wait. If the chipmunk understands that it is okay, it will eat the food from your palm. If you stay still, the chipmunk may even sit on your palm. Your dream of a "hand-held chipmunk" will come true. When there are few other customers, two or three chipmunks who want to eat food may gather together. When that happens, your hand is no longer a hand but a "chipmunk-only table."
Chipmunks also have their own personalities, and there are differences in how they eat and what they like to eat. Some eat everything gobbled up, some skillfully choose and eat only what they like, some pose for the camera, some leave as soon as they've finished their meal, etc. It's fun to enjoy watching these personalities.
Chipmunks ignore all our requests, such as asking them to eat here or to take a certain photo. They live freely and carefree. Enjoy being led around by the little chipmunks.
If you are engrossed in feeding the cute chipmunk in front of you, you may not notice that other chipmunks are nearby. There is a very high possibility that chipmunks are at your feet when you stand still, or under your buttocks when you squat. Always pay attention to your surroundings, not just when you are walking, and repeat the precautions you first heard in your head over and over again.
The chipmunks will come to you, so if you can follow the precautions carefully, you will have a very fun time. This facility is more suitable for calm adults than energetic children. It is also recommended for older couples and solo travelers.
Unfortunately, it seems like almost every year there's an accident where a chipmunk gets trampled to death. I've never actually witnessed it, but I have seen very dangerous scenes many times. It's especially dangerous for small children, as there are cute animals in a fairly large space, and they might want to get excited and make a fuss or run around chasing the chipmunks.
I'm not exaggerating here, but please be really, really, really careful.
名称 オホーツクシマリス公園
Okhotsk Chipmunk park
住所 北海道網走市呼人352
352 Yobito, Abashiri-shi, Hokkaido
HP 公式サイト公式SNSを必ずご覧になって、正式な最新の営業予定をご確認ください。
[Instagram] https://www.instagram.com/okhotskchipmunkpark/
営業 ※営業期間中でも諸事情により臨時休園時間短縮になる場合があります。
[営業期間] 4月末~10月上旬 予定
[営業時間] 10:00~16:00 (最終受付15:30)
[休館日] 火、水、不定休あり
[※] 営業期間の詳細などについてはお問い合せください(TEL.0152-48-2427)
料金 入園料:500円
駐車場 公式駐車場:無料