Basically, there are no fences between almost all of the animals, so you can see them at very close range and even interact with them by feeding them.
Dangerous animals are kept in cages, but you can indirectly interact with them by feeding them from outside the cage.
Limited-time rare animal exhibits, attractions, special events, and more are also held regularly.
For more information, please check the official website.
Basically, there are no fences between almost all of the animals, so you can see them at very close range and even interact with them by feeding them.
Dangerous animals are kept in cages, but you can indirectly interact with them by feeding them from outside the cage.
Limited-time rare animal exhibits, attractions, special events, and more are also held regularly.
For more information, please check the official website.
It's often thought of as a large facility like a safari park, but it's not that large.
It's smaller than what most people imagine.
But because it's small, the zoo is packed together so closely to the animals.
In many ways, there are many experiences that you can only have here.
It's often thought of as a large facility like a safari park, but it's not that large.
It's smaller than what most people imagine.
But because it's small, the zoo is packed together so closely to the animals.
In many ways, there are many experiences that you can only have here.
■南半球エリア/ Southern Hemisphere Area

You can buy food (carrots) for the animals at the entrance.
Be sure to buy some before entering!
Small, cute animals such as maras, red kangaroos, and Bennett's wallabies will come running up to you.
■アフリカゾーン / Africa Zone

There are reticulated giraffes, Grant's zebras, spotted hyenas, and more.
If you sign up for the premium experience, you can feed the giraffes.
When you get up close and feed them carrots, you'll be amazed at their big faces and long tongues!
■ジャングルゾーン / Jungle Zone

It's an indoor facility and it's very hot inside.
It's divided into several rooms and is home to animals such as ring-tailed lemurs, African leopard tortoises, binturongs, and little otters.

You can buy apples for the sloths. It's very cute to see them eating apples while sleeping upside down.
By the way, blue and green macaws, green and red macaws, common marmosets, and other animals live in the same room as the sloths.
Please be careful as apples you try to give to the sloths may be snatched from the side.

Many people probably imagine capybaras as small, fluffy and cute, but in reality they are large, rough and have an imposing presence.
You can buy cabbage for the capybaras, so be sure to get up close and personal with them.
■ライオン / Lion

As a premium experience, you can directly feed the lions raw meat.
■デンジャラスの森 / Dangerous Forest

Dangerous Forest is about a 10-minute walk from the main square.
There are many birds of prey such as owls, horned owls, and hawks, as well as various types of foxes.
You can enjoy a variety of premium experiences, such as feeding the birds and having them rest on your arm.
■ベンガルトラ / Bengal Tiger

Dangerous Forest is home to Bengal tigers and you can feed them raw meat.
"Dangerous Feeding," where you enter a cage and feed them raw meat, is incredibly scary, but Tigger the tiger is incredibly cute, making it a super-premium experience that we highly recommend!
"Dangerous Feeding" only takes place on set dates and times, so please check in advance.
■デンジャラスゾーン / Danger Zone

The Danger Zone is an extremely dangerous place that you have to sign a pledge to enter.
But it's great fun for animal lovers as you can see rare animals up close!
This is just my personal opinion, but out of all the various experiences I've had at zoos and aquariums in Hokkaido, the Danger Zone here is the scariest.
名称 |
ノースサファリサッポロ north safari sapporo |
住所 |
北海道札幌市南区豊滝469-1 469-1 Toyotaki, Minami-ku, Sapporo-shi, Hokkaido |
主な動物 |
ライオン、キリン、シマウマ、アカカンガルー、ワラビー、ペリカン、ミーアキャット、オットセイ、アザラシ、ペンギン、ビーバー、ナマケモノ、ワオキツネザル、カピバラ、ケヅメリクガメ、オニオオハシ、カメレオン、カワウソ、マイクロブタ、エミュー、ミニブタ、トラ、ワニ、ヤマアラシ、スカンク、ドクトカゲ、ピラニア、ハリスホーク、トビ、ハヤブサ、フクロウ、等 Lion, giraffe, zebra, red kangaroo, wallaby, pelican, meerkat, fur seal, seal, penguin, beaver, sloth, ring-tailed lemur, capybara, African spurred tortoise, toco toucan, chameleon, otter, micro pig, emu, mini pig, tiger, crocodile, porcupine, skunk, Gila monster, piranha, Harris' hawk, black kite, peregrine falcon, owl, etc. |
HP |
※公式サイトや公式SNSを必ずご覧になって、正式な最新の営業予定をご確認ください。 [公式サイト] http://www.north-safari.com/ [Facebook] https://www.facebook.com/northsafarisapporo/ [Twitter] https://twitter.com/northsafari [Instagram] https://www.instagram.com/northsafarisapporo/ |
営業 |
※営業期間中でも諸事情により臨時休園や時間短縮になる場合があります。 [夏期営業] 2024/04/26~11/30 [夏期(平日)] 10:00~17:00 ※月によって変動あり、最終入園は閉園1時間前まで [夏期(土・日・祝)] 09:00~17:00 ※月によって変動あり、最終入園は閉園1時間前まで [冬期営業] 1〜3月予定 10:00~16:00 ※月や曜日などよって変動あり [※] 営業期間、営業時間、休園日、などの詳細は公式ホームページにてご確認ください。 |
料金 |
大人(中学生以上):1,900円 小人(小学生以下):700円 2歳以下:無料 各種体験メニュー:別途有料 |
駐車場 |
公式駐車場:有料(乗用車500円) |
There are tons of animals.
Really, an awful lot of them!